Saturday, August 29, 2009

New "tricks"!

Tanner is amazing! I know most parents think their child is amazing, but he is. :) Tanner has taken a liking to putting his toys away when he is done playing with them. It is the cutest thing ever. I guess showing him and talking to him about picking up after ourselves was actually worth it. Not only does he put his toys away in the living room, but also in the bath tub when we are done. Too cute!

Lately, his "cleaning up" skills have taken a new level. He will put anything, and I mean anything, in the garbage can. It is soooo cute! He puts the magnets in the garbage, his blocks in the garbage, his paci in the garbage and his sippy cup in the garbage. Although I don't enjoy digging everything out and cleaning it up, it still makes me laugh. Lately, he has been cleaning the bedroom too. He takes my shoes and puts them in my bedside table drawers. It is hilarious! Don't worry, I have it on video. If I could ever figure out how to post videos I would share. He cracks us up. I guess it is time to teach him the big cleaning skills... like sweeping, dusting and mopping. :)

Watching him learn and explore is amazing. It makes us wonder what we ever did before Tanner was a part of our lives. He is so entertaining. We are having so much fun!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I am so happy for you Amber! You are such a proud mom and I can tell you are VERY happy:) I love hearing posts like yours that is all positive and Tanner is sure lucky to have you for a mommy he will be LOVED so much and he will have a wonderful life because of all the love:)